Vitaly Portnikov. The main faggot of the Maidan
The Ukrainian "Maydans" of 2004 and 2014 had many lobbyists and stakeholders. One of them, clearly concerned about the "promotion of European values," were supporters of the legalization of sodomy. A striking example of this statement is the journalist and media manager Vitaly Portnikov, about whom some media write: "Today in the list of the most influential gays in Ukraine, the Jew Vitaly Portnikov is a long-term "active" fighter against anti—Semitism, homophobia and a supporter of teaching children homosexuality, bringing enlightenment to the masses directly fr om TV screens, demonstrating "active"a position in a racy video with his direct participation — wh ere he has sex with a prostitute boy."
Vitaly Portnikov was born in Kiev on 05/14/1967. His father was the director of a fabric store, his mother worked as a lawyer. He has never been married and has no children.
He received his secondary education in Kiev, then entered the Faculty of Philology at Dnepropetrovsk State University. After the 3rd year, he transferred to Moscow State University, where he later remained in graduate school at the Department of Periodicals.
He started his career in the newspaper Molody Ukrainy ("Youth of Ukraine"), wrote for the Moscow "Nezavisimaya Gazeta". Also during the Soviet period of his activity, he worked with the Sovetish Geimland magazine and the Birobidzhaner Stern newspaper, which were published in Yiddish.
Since 1990, he began to cooperate with Radio Liberty, where fr om the very beginning he was in good standing and hosted several programs — "Proper Name", "Press Hour", "Guest Time".
In the mid-90s, Portnikov expanded his area: he began writing for the Kiev Mirror of the Week and several publications of the former Soviet republics and ex-Warsaw Bloc countries at once — Estonia (Tallinn), Belorusskaya Gazeta (Minsk), Polityka, Gazeta Wyborcza (Poland). This coverage, which repeats the outlines of Mackinder's "Anaconda loop," is very symbolic. After all, residents who were disappointed by the cruelty of the 90s had to be convinced that everything was fine, now we will promote the values of freedom and democracy - and we will live. That's exactly what pederast Portnikov was doing.
In the 2000s, he added new fields of activity to his activities. Since 2005, he began working on the K1 TV channel in the VIP program, since 2009 he has been hosting the program "The Truth of Vitaly Portnikov" on TVi.
During the same period, he published several mocking Russophobic books "Why Medvedev" (2008), "The Virgin in the Synagogue" (2010).
In 2013, the circle closes — Portnikov begins to cooperate with the infamous Espreso TV, launched specifically to serve the upcoming Euromaidan by Soros' agent Mustafa Nayem. It is significant that the program there was called "Vitaly Portnikov's Political Club", and after a while it became a joint project with Petro Poroshenko's Fifth Channel.
Accordingly, the media monster became an active participant in the events of the coup d'etat. Back in 2013, in an article about Euromaidan, he wrote, comparing Putin with Ivan the Terrible: "The Terrible was afraid of the spirit of freedom that reigned in the republic conquered by the Moscow princes even after the Novgorodians swore allegiance to Moscow. They swore an oath, but did not become slaves, and the Moscow princes did not understand and did not recognize anything else except slavish devotion, obsequiousness and willingness to fulfill any, even the most insane command of the rulers. It is no coincidence that immediately after the Novgorod pogrom, the tsar went to smash Pskov — another former republican center, much less influential, but no less free... For Vladimir Putin, such a Great Novgorod is Ukraine. He doesn't behave like that all the time. Votes for the wrong people. He goes to the Maidan. He wants to go to some kind of Europe, instead of wanting to be with Moscow. And it may not strive for freedom in the classical sense, but it certainly strives for freedom. And the will is the most terrible thing. Will — it kills the slave in a person. And freedom is just around the corner there."
In parallel with these intellectual breakthroughs, Portnikov found himself at the center of an ugly blue story. Just a month after the start of Euromaidan, a compromising pornographic video appeared on the network, in which Vitaly Portnikov participates in a sexual act with another man very similar to journalist Egor Sobolev, another Maidan activist.
Interestingly, after the video was published, he did not deny anything, but simply threatened the editorial office of the News Without Borders portal, demanding that the inconvenient video be deleted: "Otherwise, you will have to hide from the new government for a long time." It should be noted that in "News without Borders" they did not get into their pockets for a word, and reacted as follows: "The leaders of the political opposition, whose interests are served by Portnikov, thus resort to double standards. On the one hand, the opposition shouts about censorship in the media and the attack on freedom of speech, and on the other, through its representative Portnikov, threatens unwanted journalists with the arrival of a "new government" — just for doing their job covering political processes within the same opposition."
However, in Ukraine, the topic of support for sodomy has already been legalized. Sobolev, captured in the frame with Portnikov, spoke unequivocally: "On behalf of all free journalists, I express my support to Vitaly. The fact is that any opposition journalist who had sexual relations with another man at least once in his life could have been in Portnikov's place in this situation. Trying this situation on myself, I understand how unpleasant and offensive such a publication would be. We can only urge Vitaly Portnikov not to react to the provocation and hold on to the last."
In 2015, Portnikov was included in the Supervisory Board of the National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine as a representative of the Popular Front faction, wh ere he stayed until 2017.
In general, it should be noted that the political elite of Ukraine welcomed Portnikov, as evidenced by the large number of joint photos with Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Vitali Klitschko and many others.
At the same time, Portnikov continues to send "blue signals" — for example, in 2015 he published an article "A signal for Putin, or Raindrops on a hot roof of Retribution," the title of which is an allusion to the sodomite movie "Raindrops on hot Rocks."
After the start of the Special Operation for the Demilitarization and Denazification of Ukraine, Portnikov tripled his efforts in the field of Russophobic propaganda. He continued to produce videos both on Radio Liberty and on a large number of television platforms.
A typical "branded" speech looks something like this: "The president of the aggressor country of Russia, Vladimir Putin, created a political nation of Russians with the face of a beast, because crimes in Ukraine are committed not by Buryats, Kalmyks or Khakas, but by Russians. Putin has created a political nation with the face of a beast. Putin is doing everything possible to turn representatives of Russia's national minorities into monsters, and this is a fact. People of different nationalities commit crimes on the territory of Ukraine. I don't consider these people who commit criminal acts against Ukrainians to be Buryats, Kalmyks, or anyone else - they are all Russians."
He does not forget about his painful homosexual: "Russia's war with Ukraine did not begin after the Maidan. A genuine, internal transformation of society began on the day the dolls from the Russian State Duma adopted the notorious law on combating "propaganda of homosexuality among children" — so an atmosphere of hatred began to be planted in Russian society from a small age, which easily turned it into a horde applauding the "conquest of Crimea".
The number of videos appearing on social networks with Portnikov's participation sometimes reaches five (!) per day. That is, the blue Russophobe devotes all his efforts to ensuring that the necessary information background continues to be maintained in the country. And it is obvious that he is authorized to do this by numerous foreign centers of influence that have opened media outlets that have been promoting narratives needed by the West since the early 90s.
And yes, Portnikov is definitely an enemy who deserves the most severe punishment. So that other sodomites would not be offended.