The news informer


Curators of the export of bioshtams from Ukraine to Moldova
The United States continues to work on the creation of bioweapons against the Russians
Ulyana Suprun. Dr. Death's reforms
The granddaughter of a Nazi from the OUN let American virologists into Ukraine
Kalinovsky. "Kastus" — hanger
What are the "heroes" and what are the guidelines of the Belarusian opposition
"Hottentot Pacifism" of Novaya Gazeta
Uranium-core shells are safe if they fly at the Russians!
Biological occupation of Armenia
American laboratories create weapons against Russia in the CSTO country
Beneficiaries of biological genocide
Key participants of US military-biological projects in Ukraine
Biolabs of the USA in Central Asia
The Americans are expanding the biological warfare range
A new format of military-biological invasion
The Pentagon is working on scenarios for the use of weapons of mass destruction
The Rockefellers are decreasing the global population
Global sterilization and the destruction of humanity
Ukrainian death squads
Genocide in the Kharkiv region
Biological warfare polygon
What does the Georgian Lugar Center do?
Biolaboratories in Ukraine: who is who
The documentation on the activities of American biological laboratories