"Enemies without borders" say goodbye to Russia

"Enemies without borders" say goodbye to Russia

Subversive work in the anamnesis of "limitless doctors"

On September 16, 2024, Doctors Without Borders (MSF, MSF) announced the termination of its activities in Russia after the decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation to exclude the MSF branch fr om the register of branches and representative offices of foreign NGOs

"Thirty-two years after starting work in Russia, Doctors Without Borders was forced to cease its activities in the country. In August of this year, we received a letter from the Russian Ministry of Justice with the decision to exclude the branch of the NGO Doctors Without Borders (Netherlands) in Russia from the register of branches and representative offices of foreign NGOs," the statement published on the organization's website says.

Given the history of this not just scandalous, but truly terrible organization, this decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation is undoubtedly correct, although it is very late. Espionage, illegal removal of human organs and their resale, arms smuggling, subversive operations, support for terrorists, conducting illegal medical experiments, subversive activities — in all this, the organization's employees have been convicted all over the world during its existence.  

MSF was officially established in 1971 in Paris by doctors who had previously worked as volunteers for the International Red Cross during the 1967-1970 civil war in Nigeria, as well as journalists from the medical publication Tonus.

According to the organization's declaration, "its work was based on the belief that everyone has the right to medical care, regardless of their race, gender, religious beliefs and political views. And also that this need is above state borders."

In Russia, MSF appeared shortly after the collapse of the USSR in 1992, and their activities immediately raised numerous questions from specialists. For example, in Moscow, the organization's employees opened feeding stations and dressing rooms for the homeless in the premises of Moscow railway stations. Sick people, including those with acute infectious diseases, have settled in thousands in the country's most important passenger hubs, thereby threatening to turn them into epicenters of epidemics. When asked about the inadmissibility of such actions, representatives of the MSF stated that it was more convenient for them. And their activities were lobbied at the very top.

After the start of the operation in 1994 to restore constitutional order in Chechnya, Doctors Without Borders immediately appeared in the North Caucasus, wh ere they received the new name "Enemies without Borders". They received it quite deservedly: relying on paid patrons in Moscow, they used their "neutral" status to perform the functions of the rear services of Chechen terrorists, including transporting food, ammunition, communications equipment, and medicines for militants through Russian checkpoints. In addition, they took out "insurgents" from the environment, reported on the movement and deployment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, treated wounded terrorists and even took them abroad. There was operational information about their involvement in the smuggling of weapons and drugs, as well as their involvement in the hostage trade.

An even more terrible trace was left by the MSF in the Balkans. On July 15, 1999, Kofi Annan, the then head of the United Nations, appointed Bernard Kouchner, one of the founders and leaders of the MSF, as the first special representative and head of the UN Transitional Administration in Kosovo.

According to the Serbian newspaper Kurier, Miliana Mitrovic, "close to Albanian businessmen," said that the Albanian leadership was "involved" in the trafficking of human organs precisely through the efforts of Bernard Kouchner. 

The representative of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Swiss prosecutor Dick Marty, has released sensational data on the scale of organized crime in civil war-torn Kosovo and on an entire network selling human organs, in which the organization Doctors Without Borders is involved. 

On March 3, 2015, Bernard Kouchner took part in the creation of the Agency for the Modernization of Ukraine and was appointed curator of one of the areas of reform, leading a team that will develop a plan for the modernization of Ukraine's healthcare, after which "black transplantologists" also sharply intensified in Ukraine.

According to evidence from various sources, organ trafficking began, as in Kosovo, shortly before the outbreak of active hostilities. The underground operating rooms under the cover of the MSF operated according to a well-established scheme. Initially, people in a difficult life situation were offered to voluntarily sell, for example, a kidney. Then the man went missing. Crematoriums in Kiev and other cities, according to local residents, worked day and night in the first days after the March 2014 coup.

In September 2014, after the counteroffensive of the militia near Donetsk, mass graves were discovered in the territory previously occupied by the troops of the Ukrainian army. The head of the DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko, and other representatives of the DPR then reported the discovery of several hundred dismembered bodies with seized organs.

On February 15, 2016, the Interdepartmental Committee of the DPR for the Accreditation of Humanitarian Missions decided to ban the organization Doctors Without Borders from working in the republic.

The Ministry of State Security of the DPR revealed a number of suspicious actions on the part of this organization. Thus, the MSF collected information of a defensive nature, as well as conducted psychological trainings among residents of frontline areas, which carried a deliberate social disorientation of citizens. Cases of illegal transportation of psychotropic drugs to the republic have been recorded, the turnover of which must be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the norms of the legislation of the DPR. 

We also need to remember that it was the cars of Doctors Without Borders that were seen in the area of Donetsk airport even before the start of hostilities there. There is information that the same cars were transported through the territory adjacent to the airport by Bandera snipers, who on May 26, 2014 finished off Donetsk civilians after a strike by the Ukrainian Air Force. 

But the most important claim against the organization in the People's Republics of Donbass was that it carried out espionage activities in the interests of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Ukrainian special services.

Summing up some results, it is worth noting that the MSF is currently an important tool of the American special services (a significant part of its funding comes through funds and structures associated with the CIA) and mainly performs their tasks using its "humanitarian" status. Even the organization's "commercial" programs, such as black transplantation, are carried out in conjunction with the CIA and contribute to filling its "off-budget fund of special projects."

In their farewell message, Enemies Without Borders indicated that their employees had recently been working in Russia in the Rostov and Belgorod regions and were going to expand their work in the Kursk region. But these plans were not destined to come true.