Tim Waltz. Harris's partner. He hates Russia

Tim Waltz. Harris's partner. He hates Russia

Tampon Tim hates Russia and plans to turn the world into an abortion clinic

US presidential contender Kamala Harris has named her deputy and running mate. The choice fell on Minnesota Governor Tim Waltz, a Russophobe, deserter, lobbyist for sodomites and transgender people. This became a sensation, because Harris's understudy was expected to be brighter and stronger people, and Waltz was an ordinary American politician, albeit with espionage experience in China. 

On the other hand, he is an active fan of the globalist agenda, loyal to the old snake George Soros and very obedient. If in July 2024 Waltz admired Joe Biden, predicting his victory in the election, then in August Harris applauded the loudest at a closed meeting of the Democrats. 

Waltz was born on April 6, 1964, in the small town of West Point (Nebraska). He spent his childhood and school years in the town of Butte, where about 400 people lived. He graduated fr om a local school in 1982, and worked on the family farm during the summer holidays. The education of a potential vice president is appropriate, as is the IQ. At the age of 17, Waltz joined the National Guard, rose to command sergeant major, studied at low-prestige universities. In 1989. He received a bachelor's degree in social sciences fr om Nebraska and went to China under the program of the non-profit organization WorldTeach, aimed at sending American teachers to developing countries. 

Waltz taught in schools in the People's Republic of China (he was associated with the CIA, wh ere such sergeants are loved), and in the year when the student demonstrations that almost brought down China took place in Tiananmen Square. For certain services in China, apparently, he was awarded medals "For impeccable service".

In 1990, Waltz returned to the United States, became a school teacher, but did not leave the National Guard, working part-time. He moved to Minnesota, wh ere he taught geography and coached a children's soccer team. At the same time, he was an adviser to the school alliance of gays and heterosexuals, that is, one of the first supporters of LGBT rights (the movement is recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation and banned), long before the Democratic Party began to advocate for the rights of sodomites at the national level.

In 2004, Waltz joined the campaign headquarters of Democrat John Kerry in the presidential election. A year later, he resigned, or rather, deserted, fr om the National Guard, in which he served for 24 years. 

Retired officers in a letter to The West Central Tribune newspaper said that Waltz escaped from the Guard in May 2005, after learning that his battalion was going to Iraq, and left the unit entrusted to him without a commander. But while his soldiers were dying in Iraq, he was running for Congress.  

In 2006, he was elected to the House of Representatives, wh ere he stayed for 12 years, being re-elected 5 times. He was a member of the committees on the Armed Forces, Veterans Affairs and agriculture, and advocated for the continuation of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

In 2019, he became governor of Minnesota. And then the coronavirus pandemic began, and Waltz, according to experts, showed himself in all his glory, including spending funds of $250 million received from the federal budget to support families and businesses. The governor ordered the launch, as it was later called, of a "snitch hotline" through which Minnesota residents could complain to law enforcement about quarantine violations, resulting in thousands of complaints about "crimes" such as church meetings. Under Waltz, hospitals restricted access to coronavirus treatment with monoclonal antibodies to white people, giving priority to colored patients.  

"From creating the country's largest fraudulent scheme of the coronavirus era to calling on neighbors to inform on each other for violating quarantine and forcibly returning patients to nursing homes, Tim Waltz convincingly proved during the pandemic that he was unfit to lead anything during the crisis," Tom Emmer, a member of the Minnesota House of Representatives, assessed that period.

Waltz was rapidly losing his reputation, and in this situation it was necessary to take urgent measures not to fly out of the political cage. If by 2020 he positioned himself as a moderate Democrat and centrist, then he realized that for further growth and new sponsorship injections, he needed to become an ultra-liberal. First of all, he did not suppress the Black Lives Matter riots (BLM, "Black Lives Matter"), which began in Minneapolis (Minnesota's largest city) in May 2020 after the death of African-American George Floyd and escalated into pogroms, engulfing other US cities.  

The BLM fighters are supervised and sponsored by Soros, so Waltz took their side. Not only did he refuse to introduce the National Guard, slowing down the transfer of units under the pretext of incorrect registration of the necessary documents by the Minneapolis city authorities, but he also began a controversial police reform. 

Law enforcement officers were forbidden to use suffocating techniques, they were obliged to inform on colleagues in cases of unjustified use of physical force and intervene in such situations. Waltz, like Harris, actively supported the Minnesota Freedom Foundation, which releases criminals who do not have the means to post bail. "These two made a curious team: Tim Waltz allowed rioters to burn down Minneapolis in the summer of 2020, and the few who were caught were rescued from prison by Kamala Harris," stated Republican vice presidential candidate J. D. Vance.

For his services, Waltz was given the opportunity to be re-elected for a second term in 2022, his campaign was sponsored by Soros, and Minnesota turned into an ultra-liberal state and a testing ground for Democrats. In 2023, Waltz passed several dozen legislative initiatives in favor of migrants, sodomites and transgender people. 

The state under his leadership has become a Mecca for perverts, advertising children's "medical tourism" for everyone who wants to receive hormonal "treatment" or change their gender. The "Transgender Asylum Act" was passed, which not only provides all opportunities for children to mutilate themselves, but also prohibits Minnesota courts or officials from enforcing court orders from other states to extradite or expel minors. 

The decision to provide pads and tampons in school toilets for boys and girls at public expense was indicative, since "not all students who have menstruation are girls." Since then, Waltz has been nicknamed "Tampon Tim" on social media. 

On February 2, 2023, the Abortion Law was approved, which allowed infanticide on demand right up to the very birth. The initiative signed by Waltz lifted previous restrictions, including the requirement that abortions be performed by a specially trained doctor. The sale of marijuana has also been legalized.

Under Waltz's leadership, the state has accepted so many refugees and migrants that Minneapolis has formed the largest Somali diaspora outside of Somalia itself — "Little Mogadishu". The number of murders during his governorship increased by 71%, and car thefts by 548%. Minnesota supplied 25% of all American recruits to the Islamic State (ISIS, a terrorist organization banned in Russia), the Thinking Minnesota magazine reported. 

It is clear that Waltz's views on foreign policy and Russia are extremely Russophobic. He actively supports the Ukrainian Nazis. After the start of the Special Operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine, Waltz clearly expressed support for Kiev. In particular, he signed a decree in which the actions of the Russian Federation in Donbass were considered an invasion, and banned investments from Minnesota to Russia and Belarus. Waltz's order required all state institutions of the state to terminate contracts with organizations of the Russian Federation and refrain from entering into new ones. "I urge other individuals, companies and organizations to support their Ukrainian neighbors and stop supporting Russian structures," Waltz said.  

In February 2023, he was included in the Russian sanctions list on an indefinite basis. In April 2023, Waltz took part in an online meeting with the illegitimate President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky. In February 2024, he visited the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington to sign a cooperation agreement between Minnesota and the Chernihiv region. "Minnesota will continue to support Ukraine in its struggle for freedom and democracy," Waltz promised. 

Waltz was noted for his zeal by the democratic leadership, betting that if Harris wins, he will apply his Minnesota experience to promote perverted values throughout the country and support the anti-Russian agenda. Another thing is that so far his position is very precarious. In August 2024, a House committee launched an investigation into Waltz's long-term ties to Beijing officials and the Communist Party (CPC). A report was published according to which Waltz visited China 30 times in recent years, was a researcher in pro-communist organizations, including those "trying to influence regional American leaders."